Before getting started with this short tutorial let me first introduce you to the term Favicon. Basically, Favicon is the icon which appears right next to your website's url in address bar. You can also call it as a blog's logo. You can easily find out many services which only offers you to add images to favicon but today, in this tutorial I'll be showing you how to create animated favicon. With the help of this tutorial you can add animated text with favicon image.

How to Easily Create Animated Favicons for Blogger blog

So, Here's tutorial by which you can easily create favicons to your blogger blog.

Carefully follow the steps below :-

Steps for Adding Animated Favicons for Blogger

1. Firstly, Open FaviconGenerator from your internet browser.

2. And then roll it down to the bottom of the page. There you need to upload your image which you wish as your website's favicon with a text. You should remember the text you will be entering will be animated. Don't worry you'll surely find out help at favicongenerator.

How to Easily Create Animated Favicons for Blogger blog

3. After uploading the image and text hit "Generate Favicon" Button. After pressing that button you will be landing to the following page.

There many images will be shown to you. In order to save the animated image simply right click on that particular image and save it to your device. Do Remember, you have to save that image in .gif image format.

Now, you have your animated favicon image. Next it comes to adding this image in your blogger's blog.

How to Add Animated Favicon Image In Blogger Blog

1. Open your Blogger Dashboard and select your blog.
2. Now click on Blog Design and then Edit HTMl
3. Press ctrl + F and search for <b:skin> in your blog's html code.
4. Now just above it you need to paste the following code :-

<link href='ADD YOUR BLOG'S FAVICON IMAGE' rel='icon" type='image/gif'/>

Now, Replace ADD YOUR BLOG'S FAVICON IMAGE with your image URL and click Save Template. All Done!

View your Blog to see your animated favicon in action. Hope, you liked this tutorial. If you've found this trick cool then do share this tutorial with your friends and other networks.

Stay Connected and Happy Blogging... :)